On October 30, 2017 Galina Soldatova, Director of the Foundation for Internet Development, spoke at the research and practice conference Mental Health of the Human and Society. Relevant Interdisciplinary Issues

Within scopes of the conference, meetings were held in three areas: Mental health: Clinical and Organizational Aspects, Mental Health: Biological Aspects, Mental Health: Social Aspects. Conference program is available at: http://mental-health-russia.ru/news2/666/116/nauchno-prakticheskaya-konferentsiya-psihicheskoe-zdorove-cheloveka-i-obschestva-aktualnye-mezhdistsiplinarnye-problemy/.

In the conference leading experts in fields of clinical psychiatry, fundamental researches in the field nuero sciences, psychology, sociology, law, journalism, health care organization.

Galina Soldatova, an associate member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Psychology, professor of Personality Psychology Chair of Psychology Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University, was a Сo-chairman of Mental Health of Mother and Child: Challenges of Modernity sub-forum within scopes of forum meeting: Mental Health: Social Aspects. At the meeting Galina Soldatova made a report on Internet risks and issues of psychological well-being of the digital generation.

The event was organized by Lomonosov Moscow State University; Healthcare Department of Moscow city; Russian Fund of Fundamental Researches; National Medical Chamber; Russian Association of Psychiatrists; Russian Science Facilitation Association; Serbsky State Scientific Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry; Research Center of Mental Health.