Internet and science: 15 years of way,Leading information technology experts about the past, present, and future of the Internet. (2005)

Teaching Guides

Internet: Opportunities, Competences, Security

Foundation for Internet Development, Federal Institute of Education Development of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and Psychology Department of the Lomonosov Moscow State University with support of Google company developed the guide for secondary school teachers Internet: Opportunities, Competences, Security.

The guide is recommended by Federal Institute of Education Development, Federal State Autonomous Institution, as a teaching guide aimed to use in academic processes of educational institutions implementing programs of additional vocational education.

The guide was published in two parts by Guttenberg Book Culture Center

To the Net All Ages Yield Surrender

To the Net All Ages Yield Surrender Teaching guide is result of a joint project of MTS Group, Foundation for Internet Development and Generation Bridge Foundation aimed to teach senior people to use the Internet to solve everyday problems, to popularize modern information and communication technologies, and useful online services among representatives of the older generation. Mission of this project is to facilitate social adaptation of senior people in the information society, and to reduce a ‘digital gap’ among representatives of different generations.

Kids on the Internet

MTS Company jointly with employees of Psychology Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Foundation for Internet Development developed the lesson on the Safe and Useful Internet intended for schoolchildren of 2-4 grades. The lesson is a part of Kids on the Internet, Educational and Exhibition Project, purpose of which is to inform children, parents and teachers on potential risks of using the Internet, ways of protection against network threats and useful opportunities of the Global Network for education, development, communication, and leisure time.

Useful and Safe Internet, Rules for Safe use of the Internet for junior schoolchildren: method, guide/edited by Soldatova G. – M. Federal Institute of Education Development, 2012 – 48 p. .

Advices and recommendations for parents.